Thursday, April 3, 2014

How to Declutter Your Apartment this Spring

Spring is upon us -- even if the weather isn't fully cooperating -- and that puts spring cleaning on the mind here at Shrewsbury Commons. It’s time to clear out the clutter you've accumulated and bring new life to your apartment. With these tips you can eliminate the stress of a messy apartment and approach the upcoming warm months with a renewed outlook!

Set a Date
In order to successfully declutter your apartment, you need to set a mindset and get it done. Along with this you need to set a date. Otherwise, you will find yourself saying, “I’ll do it next weekend” every weekend. If you don’t finish in one day that’s fine, but create a to-do list to help you keep track of what you still need to accomplish. Once you start to see your hard work paying off you’ll want to complete the whole apartment!

Use Wall Shelves
Clutter often builds from the floor up. To eliminate the mess, move the clutter from under your feet onto your walls. Shelves not only help create a neat place to store what was underfoot, but can also serve a dual purpose, providing a decorative additions to your apartment. Try colorful or unusual shapes to add extra style to your rooms and start seeing your floor again!

Tackle Your Closet
Fashion trends come and go therefore they have an expiration date in your closet. Apply the golden rule: if you haven’t worn it in a year, you’re finished wearing it. You can even do “The Hanger Test.” Turn all hangers in one direction and once you wear an item turn the hanger the other way. If after a couple months a hanger hasn’t been switched it’s probably an indication for you to get rid of that item. By clearing out your closet you add space for new purchases and can also provide donations for Goodwill or the Salvation Army.  Looking at a clarified closet can also make picking out an outfit in the morning that much more enjoyable!
Fill a Trash Bag
The single best way to declutter your apartment is to remove all trash  It’s surprising how much extra unnecessary stuff can gather in corners and closets around your home. Set a goal to fill one trash bag. Go through your kitchen, bedroom, and living room and remove any items that can be classified as trash. After tossing all that clutter, you’ll feel brand new!  

Invest in Containers
Containers are necessary when it comes to organization. Having an assigned place for everything in your life will instantly help declutter your apartment. Once you have your containers and organization tools assign a location for each item in your apt. Not only will this help declutter but will also help you maintain a neater, easier-to-clean home.

Take on Junk Drawers
Junk drawers often become a feeding ground for clutter. Usually you end up throwing anything that doesn’t have a designated location into these drawers and the disorder continues to grow. Take the drawer out and empty it on a table. Then sort the drawer into three piles:

1. Stuff belongs in the drawer
2. Stuff that belongs elsewhere
3. Trash

Once you have these three piles sort what you want to put back in the drawer and find locations for the other items. This task could be accomplished as you cook dinner or are catching up TV and will make your life a lot easier when you need to find something.

With these simple tips you can transform a cluttered apartment into an organized home. Start planning today and let the spring cleaning begin. You will be glad you did when the warm weather comes and our pool is open! 

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